Monday, March 9, 2015

Third Grade Reading Reflections

Reading Response Journals are a great opportunity for students  to retell and make connections to a book. HOWEVER, what we expect and what we get are two very different things. What we expect is a thoughtful account of what a student read. What we end up getting is a jumbled mess of three to four sentences with zero direction. Usually, these sentences begin with "The setting is____" or "The characters are____". END

Frustrating to say the least.

After a few weeks, I realized that maybe, just maybe, I need to provide a little more structure. A way to organize the jumbled mess into something more clear and concise. So I did. I made a graphic organizer that we fill in once a week, or every five or so chapters. Once the graphic organizer is filled out we transfer it into the reading response notebook and voilà! A full page with information, thoughts, and opinions!

Remember the Gradual Release of Responsibility teaching model?

 I Do, We Do, You Do? 

Weeeeeeell, sometimes you need a lot of the first two, to get a good "You Do".  

Click on the link below for a free download of the organizer and please share how you modified it in the comments!

Reading Reflection Graphic Organizer


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